Friday, October 21, 2011

sunrise in sepia

This morning's picture:

October is probably the best time of year to do sunrise pictures at the beach, at least at my beach.  There's something about the light that is special now.  And the camera in the phone does odd things with the light.  Then there's also the fact that in October you don't have to get up at 5 in the morning to see the sun come up.  Every little bit helps.

I still haven't gotten out there in the morning with the real camera.  I'm sure there's some deep psychological reason for that, but I don't really want to examine it too closely right now.  There's more than enough turmoil going on in my life already, without me dredging up stuff I don't need to think about.

Taking a few pictures helps with the deep psychological stuff.  Sometimes.  The trick, which I have yet to master, is getting out consistently with the camera.  It's just not happening.  Too much of life gets in the way.  I keep telling myself it's only a phase, that this too shall pass.  I wish it would go ahead and do so, already.  Any time now would be good.

Yet another Pablo imposter

Halloween is coming, and with it pictures of dogs in costumes.  This one gave me a good laugh - one of the smallest of dogs dressed up to look like one of the biggest of horses.