Sunday, October 18, 2015

It's that time of year, I guess....

But still too early to be this cold.  And I'm hearing of snow in Michigan's Upper Peninsula, as well as Boston and northeastern PA.  Feh.

But we dug out the doggie hoodie this morning.  Even with, Pablo wasn't interested in being outside for very long.  Fine with me, I'm having the "we just closed the windows and I'm allergic to closed windows" syndrome with my sinuses, and being out in the biting wind is not fun when you already can't breathe too good.

Be that as it may, a couple of pictures from this morning's venture into nature.

And we've got a lot of beach, all of a sudden.  The rearranging that was done by the nor'easter a couple of weeks ago resulted in this.

I was standing at the water line, almost (had to keep my sneakers dry) when I took this one.  My house is almost dead center in the picture.  It was a long way away.  The dropoff we had all summer is gone now, and a lot of sand got added to the dunes by the storm.  And at low tide, we have all this beach.  You can see a couple of high tide lines, pretty much where the color of the sand changes.  But the tide pools are actually gone now, at low tide.  And the piece of our jetty that was exposed all summer is now a lot closer to being covered up again.

That's all you can see of the jetty now.  Enough to not notice the outliers, and trip over some rather solid granite if you're not watching where you're stepping.  Not so long ago, the jetty looked like this.

Mother Nature's been redecorating.  Always interesting, sometimes scary as hell, and different every day.