Sunday, January 24, 2016

The day after

Nothing earth shattering or horrible happened here from the "blizzard."  Apparently we don't have winter and snow anymore, we have only disasters and panic mongering.  Regardless, we have once again survived, relatively unscathed.  Photographic evidence thereof:

My self-cleaning back yard.  Thank you, wind!

House from the front.  Only one biggish drift, which needed to be cut thru so I can get mail delivery.

The beach this morning.  It's still there!  There are puddles on the wrong side of the dunes, in spots, but all in all it looks pretty much intact.

The gulls are still with us.  And sand mixed with snow looks like a frothy cappuccino or something.

One of my neighbors has her nephews over, and they shoveled out what I needed shoveled out, so I had minimal work to do outside.  Took them ten minutes to do what would have taken me a couple of hours.  Good work, guys!

Saturday, January 2, 2016

Happy start of 2016

Not much to say.  Jan 1, 2016 on the beach.  Cold out there, nobody much around except me and Pablo.  The way I like it best.