Thursday, April 21, 2016

This is a last day posting

We're almost done packing, the movers come tomorrow morning.  Two closings on houses tomorrow, one selling the beach house, the second buying a new place over the river and up the hill.

I think it's good, but will need some real sleep before I can tell for sure.  Last nite was full of dreams of torrential downpours, roof leaks, and ceilings collapsing.  Presumably those dreams will stay here, while I go.

I will not have internet service for a week or more, beginning tomorrow.  Verizon has to come do an install on the new place, but they are on strike (rightly so, IMO), so no idea when the install will actually happen.

Change always comes with turmoil.  I hope this will all settle in due course, and life will go on.  And I'll still be close enough to the beach to drive over for those dog walks.