Monday, September 25, 2017

Rather here than there

I was thinking of posting this on Facebook, but then ran into some issues with loading multiple pictures, inserting descriptions, etc, etc, so I said to myself, "Self, why don't you go post this stuff on your blog, it's been too long since you posted there, and it's easier to do the pictures bit on the blog than on that wretched mess they call Facebook."  So here we go.

These are some wildlife pictures I have been lucky enough to capture in the last couple of days/weeks/whenever.  Thought someone might enjoy them, so.  Descriptive info appears below each picture.

Cultured pigeons, Lincoln Center, NYC

 "You lookin' at ME????"  Pablo in the back yard, acting like a wild dog or something.

Bambi in the park.  She heard us, stopped, and posed.

This one's a little fuzzy, because it was almost dark out.   Cat bird sitting in the bush outside my bedroom window, munching berries off the bush, meowing his or her head off.  The bird is attitudinal.

Sunday afternoon, we heard a very loud, weird honking kind of noise.  Took the camera out to the back yard, and this is what I saw....the biggest freaking swan on the planet!  I didn't want to get too close, I might spook it, and then if it pooped when it was taking off (from fear, you know), I bet it could wipe out my whole house, or a good part of the neighborhood.

And so go my adventures with wildlife.  Pretty awesome, right?  Now I understand why so many people are so into wildlife photography.