Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Picture of the day

Yes, we're sorta back to that.  It's a grey, gloomy day, even the dog didn't want to go far, so we walked around the block, and visited the river.  It's one of those days when the sky is about the same color as the water, and they kind of merge together if not for the bridge, which I've gotten used to, but still don't especially like.  I much prefer the old bridge, it had character.  The new one is just new.  That's about all I can say for it.

So here's the picture, just shrunk a tad to get rid of the trash/recycle can:

I didn't really check to see if my horizon is straight.  Looks pretty straight to me, but then, I took it with the phone, and those tend to come out pretty straight.  Probably because my nose doesn't get in the way....I've got a pretty big one, as noses go.

I think I prefer the river in the winter, same way I prefer the beach in the winter.  No people, just nature.   It looks better to me that way.

Here's the old bridge, shortly before they tore it down to build the new one:

This was taken from about the same place, but with a real camera, and the zoom lens.  Doesn't hurt that the sky was beautiful that day, just about twilight.

Funny thing about being here.  It's the same view all the time (which is not a particularly bad thing), but it looks totally different on any given day.  Progress happens, in the form of a new bridge, or changes to the houses, or whatever, but the river is always pretty much the same, except that it wears a different color every day, and sometimes several different colors in the same day.  If I changed that often, I'd have to spend my life doing laundry.  Nature is much more efficient that way.

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