Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Happy (quiet) 4th of July

Quiet around here because we have no fireworks tonite, for the first time since I've lived here.  Austerity, or something.  Brings the economy closer to home.  Red Bank also cancelled their fireworks, which were always a huge party on July 3rd, same reason.  No money.

OTOH, it means I don't have to sweep the dust bunnies out from under the bed, since Pablo and I won't need to be hiding down there from the noise.  So there's a benefit to be found in even this.

Maybe NY will move their fireworks back to the East River next year, so we can see them from here.  At this distance (maybe 25 miles or so), they're nice and quiet.  Also, watching miniature (due to the distance) fireworks is sort of amusing.  They're cute when they're small, kind of like kittens.

Best fireworks I ever saw (in the amusing category) was once in the town where I used to live, somewhere in the midwest.  The wind shifted during the show, and embers started falling on the houses that bordered the park where the community was gathered.  So we all got to watch the fire department at work up close and personal when someone's roof caught fire.  Bet that was a fun one to explain to the insurance company.

You know, economically we are hurting China by not having fireworks, since most of the stuff seems to be made (and the concept originated) in China.  Act local, go global.

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