Monday, January 28, 2013

A couple of things of note

One.  I found another Pablo look-alike:

Pablo would not wear a hat, tho.  He doesn't like his ears to be covered.

Two.   This one made me really laugh, which felt good:

Those of you who know me will understand why this is so funny (at least I think you will).

Three.  There's something about animals (other than the human type) wearing clothes:

I'm very happy to not be the one who has to get these shetland ponies into and out of their shetland sweaters.   I have enough trouble with Pablo's LL Bean field coat.  Great job of knitting these to fit, though!

Four.  The river is a bit icy this week, tho I think it's starting to melt, it's a bit warmer now than it has been:

Considering this is salt water, I don't quite get how it manages to ice over.  The ice comes and goes with the tide.  It's been several years since it's been cold enough for this to happen, I think it's only gone to solid ice once (I'm thinking it was 2002 or so) since I've lived here, which is since 1998.  

I think the part that gets to me is, it reminds me of the scene in Pikovaya Dama when Gherman doesn't show up as expected (or doesn't recognize her once he does arrive) and Liza kills herself by jumping into the river - some production I saw somewhere looked kind of like this, but maybe with more ice. 

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