Friday, February 8, 2013

bedtime, and not much snow here yet

What we've gotten is crunchy, and not too much of it, so far.  We'll see what happens over night.  They're still promising 4-6 inches at the shore.  It's not doing much of anything outside at the moment.

Meanwhile, here's what the wind did this afternoon to "my" street signs:

The one laying on the ground says "no outlet," which is how I feel a lot of the time, living here.  The stop sign, as you can see, is trying to escape.  I just checked again, and it's still hanging on by a thread or two.

These are new signs since Sandy.  The old ones left us in that storm.  In fact, the post they are or were attached to is new, also. 

Meanwhile, here's how Pablo spent most of the day:

That's the new afghan his Grandma made for him.  He's not a Chihuahua, he's an Afghan Hound....

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