Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Reporting in

I decided to skip the free feed, even the possibility of watching the beach clubs burn isn't enough to get me to a function that is likely to be chock full of political bullshit.  I don't have anyone here I would consider a friend, so this is not a potential social outing (one of my mother's arguments for going).  It is more a probable headache, so I stayed home.  She went with one of her neighbors and/or friends.  Hope they had fun.

I don't understand the American drive to remembrances and memorials.  What's done is done, what happened last year happened and will likely never happen again, and I am not interested in re-living it ad nauseum, thank you very much. 

Besides, if I ran into that fat-assed governator face to face, I would likely say something obnoxious to him, and get into trouble with the baby nazi impersonators we have for a police dept. 

I made something Italian for dinner, ate it with a nice glass of ribera del duero, listened to some really good music on the Bose, and will have a nice sleep before I have to go back to the rat-race of work tomorrow.  Or is that a rat's nest?  Hard to tell.

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