Sunday, November 17, 2013

I wrote Pablo's post today

So you should go over to his blog, to see what we did today.

That being said, it is very foggy here at the moment, and the fog wraps everything in quiet, which is nice.  It feels like about 9.00 at night, yet it's only 6.00, not even late enough to put out the trash for tomorrow's pickup. 

On our second beach walk today, the fog was already coming in:

No horizon, no NY, nothing, nada, zilch.  Nice.

The house is almost done, we ought to be finished in time for Thanksgiving; maybe a couple little things need to be touched up, but I can handle those as I find them and they annoy me.  I'm continuing to make trash, and I'm working on a second pile of donatable clothes and stuff, to get it out of my house and into someone else's hands before the end of the year.  Also trying to organize what needs to be kept, which is made more difficult by the fact that it is all displaced by the work on the house, and none of it is now where it used to be (ie, where I knew where everything was).  So organizing, and trying to de-clutter.  Neither of which is a favorite pastime of mine.

Pablo is napping.  He's been mostly napping all afternoon.  Helps with the quiet.  If I could stop thinking for a while, I could take a nap, too.  I can certainly use one.  But I can't settle, so I can't nap.  Oh well.

And life goes on....

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