But at least there I can anticipate feedback, which rarely seems to happen here. But there are things I would say there that I can't say here. And vice versa. So maybe it balances in some weird mystical way. The jury is still out on that.
Don't have a lot of time to write at the moment, my realtor is coming over in about an hour, we are having a realtor open house today, and a public open house (again) on Sunday. I doubt I've ever seen this place so clean and organized ~ aside from my office, which is always a jumble, but then, creative minds are often less than tidy.
Yes, still trying to sell the freaking house so I can get out of here. Can't seriously look for a new place until I have this one in contract (well, around here they call it under contract, means the same thing), so I have an idea of how much I can spend on a new place, and have some assurance it will all actually happen.
For a person who likes to have the next move mapped out and planned to the nth degree, this is excruciating.
Meanwhile, back at the ranch, the gig in NYC is about reaching its natural ending point, I think. The entire situation there is not good for my health. I don't think I'll miss it. I don't know what I'll do for money, but if I can sell the freaking house, it won't be quite so critical an issue as it is at the moment.
Can you spell STRESS? I'm doing my best to ignore it for the moment. Sometimes that actually works.
As a consequence of all this, plus some other random factors, I have no plans to go anywhere exciting any time soon. Gotta hoard what little money I'm bringing in to carry me across whatever transition is going to be happening. It's times like these that make me think I am dead broke, and I get afraid to spend a penny on anything. It's that Uncle Joe gene acting up, I suspect. If you didn't know my Uncle Joe, ask me about him sometime. He was an interesting guy.
On a positive note, I have been out looking at houses, and what I'm seeing gives me hope for what I'm trying to sell. It's not so bad, it's just that we have a sort of rocky relationship here (me and the house, I mean). It compares nicely with some of the places I've seen lately. So there is hope. we just have to wait for the right person. I hope to heck he or she gets here soon.
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