Monday, July 22, 2019

Sundries from a hot week

Too hot to trot, IMO.  However, doggo is ready for anything.  As usual.  So today we spent 3 hours at the dog park, catching up on his wrestling and socializing, and I got caught up with the people I usually see there, and did some free counseling.  Interesting, the things people will talk about at the dog park.

In the hot hot time of the last few days, we stayed close to home.  Wonder doggo had a couple of notable moments....

Saturday evening, when it was starting to cool down enuf to walk, we went out for a stroll.  He saw a neighbor coming out of her house to get into her car, going somewhere or other.  Usually he barks at such things.  This time he said, "hurrooo."  Walk was temporarily suspended while I laughed my butt off.

One day last week, we were sitting in the back yard trying to not over exert me, when some sort of emergency vehicle went by with siren on.  I didn't bother to get up to see what it was, but Bandit ran to the fence and, for the first time ever, howled.  Funny thing was, he matched pitch with the siren.  I know professional singers who can't match pitch to save themselves.

And Sunday, we accidentally let a fly into the house.  That provided several hours of amusement of the search and destroy sort.  And Bandit honed his obstacle course, moving furniture so he could get around (or over, or under) in his pursuit.  I'm not sure if he actually caught the fly, but I haven't seen it since about 1 pm Sunday.  And I know I didn't get it, even tho I'm a master fly swatter.

And when he's tired....

The doggo has a way with pillows.  Usually he pushes them onto the floor, but this is HIS pillow, so I suppose it's sacred or something.

Saturday, July 13, 2019

Stuff and stuff

Sad day today, one of the singers who worked with On Site Opera has died from cancer.  It's hard to know what to do or say, I only met him the one time we had him create a role in a new opera.  He was a lovely man, with a great voice and character.  I didn't know he had cancer till last week. 

So no, I can't "own" it.  But I still feel the loss, and can only imagine how his family must feel.  So probably best to keep my mouth shut, right?

This is #4 for me in 2019.  Two clients, one former client, and now one of our singers.  Our singers are family. 

Which I suppose is why some part of me wants to own this, but it's not mine.

Going back to the birds, as an antidote.

Carolina Wren, I think.  That's what Merlin thinks, too.  Little guy with a big voice....yeah, there I go.  I'll call him the Bob Wren, as a memorial.

Wednesday, July 3, 2019

Wildlife and stuff

Aside from the dog, who is tame and normal one day and wild the next, we've had some encounters with real wildlife here lately.  Well, not encounters, precisely, but sightings, I suppose.  So, supposing that, here are a couple.

First, the morning of the fawns.  Their Mama was nearby, but I didn't get a pic of her.  The babies just kind of sat there and looked at us as I scrambled to get close enuf for a pic, fiddled with the camera in the phone, and made sure the dog didn't do anything that would scare them off.  All with just two hands!

They're so cute, yet I know, next spring when my Asiatic lilies start to emerge, these little tykes will be out on my front lawn munching on the buds before they have a chance to open.

Balance, right?

And then my fave bird has been visiting.  He makes a racket, particularly if I've not kept up with refilling the feeders.  But he does like his suet with berries in it just fine.

He's a real character.  Always a lot to say, and he loves chasing off the littler guys.

And, our furry chipmunkbird is back.  So I know a lot of the bird seed is finding its way into wherever his secret stash is this year.

I think it's kind of funny that the birds just treat him as though he was one of theirs.  What's the old saying, birds of a feather flock together?  Maybe I can make him a headdress out of feathers, so he blends in better.