Saturday, May 12, 2012


Well, maybe that's not really a word, but it makes a strange sort of sense in this instance.  I've always wondered about a particular sign, which I hope you can read for yourself in the picture:

It's faded from the sun, and of course the picture was taken through the train window on a sunny morning.   It says no trespassing, in English and Spanish. Which on the surface of things is a not so unusual sign to be found in quasi public places.  Except the location makes me wonder what someone was thinking.  The steps that lead to the gate bearing the sign go from the ground in an area where people are basically not allowed to be, to the platform, where one would wind up if one entered through the gate, where people are expected to be.  So I would think the sign ought to be on the opposite side of the gate, warning people on the platform not to leave it, rather than telling folk who might be on the ground not to climb to the platform.  The gate, by the way, appears to be permanently locked. Or maybe rusted in place, by now.  This is the Jersey Shore, where everything rusts.

Just one of the many incompetencies exhibited by NJ Transit on a daily basis.  If I cared, I might find it embarrassing that someone in an official capacity made such a silly mistake.  As it is, I just find it mildly amusing.  There's not very much entertaining about the daily commute, so you have to enjoy the little things.

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