About a week ago, of an evening, I was going from the office to the Met, to see Faust. Hard for me to miss Faust, it's one of my favorite operas. Anyhow, when I go from the office, I take the A train to 59th Street and walk the rest of the way up to Lincoln Center, maybe stopping to pick up a quick bite to eat along the way.
At 63rd Street, I saw something unusual. A man of indefinite age, walking with a cane, had fallen in the street. But that's not the unusual thing. A group of maybe eight people, men and women, instantly gathered around the fallen man, guarding him from the onrushing traffic, which up there at that hour is mostly cabs, and helping, as a group, to get him back on his feet and onto the sidewalk.
I stopped for a moment to watch, amazed at how even in NYC people have compassion and are willing to stand out in traffic to keep someone from being run over, then help him to safety.
Too bad you don't ever read about this kind of incident in the papers.
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