Friday, April 26, 2013

looks who's hiding in my back yard

He's trying to pass himself off as one of the tulips, I think. 

See him in the lower left corner?

Sneaky little goldfinch.

I also hear my favorites outside now, the mockingbirds.  The bird with the most songs wins the girl.  What a concept!  The fact that they came back is a sign that maybe the huge holly trees across the street are going to survive.  They're like a bird-condo.

My lilac bush is just beginning to show some life.  I'm relieved, I love that bush.  I was afraid it might not come back, after Sandy.  I was so excited yesterday when I saw one in full bloom in the yard of Dyckman Farmhouse up in Inwood.   Probably my favorite flower/plant/bush/tree, whatever you want to call it.  Like the song says, are there lilac trees in the heart of town?  If you're in Inwood, the answer is yes.

The rose bushes are showing signs of life, too.  And the Gateway people announced that Sandy Hook will reopen on May 1!  So things are happening here, finally.

1 comment:

  1. I've been informed that my little yellow friend is not an American Goldfinch, but a Common Yellowthroat. I stand corrected, and hope he sticks around!
