I have a problem with one of my relatives. Well, maybe two. Relatives, I mean. I'm expected by one to feel sorry for another who is "all alone" and had "waist deep" snow drifts in her driveway. She has a husband. They both have jobs that pay real folding money and give benefits and paid time off. They live in a huge house whose property taxes are more than my net income for the year (after business expenses). They can afford to hire a guy with a plow on his truck to clear the driveway. Why they don't is a mystery to me.
I've been alone for real for 17 years. I don't get paid time off. I don't get benefits if I can't pay for them myself. I can't afford to hire anyone to do my shoveling for me. But I get it done without making a major sob story out of it. I don't ask for help. I don't ask for sympathy. If I did ask for help, it wouldn't be coming from this particular relative anyhow, she's not one to help anyone except herself.
So why should I be expected to feel anything for her in her "predicament?" I honestly don't give a damn. Yeah, I'm being pissy. But I'm tired of dealing with the smugness, the superior attitude, and the inability to see beyond the end of their own noses.
What maybe irks me even more is my first impulse was to toss my shovel in the car and go over there to help. Lucky for me I've learned to edit before acting.
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