Wednesday, September 28, 2011

The twiddling of thumbs

Other people's holidays beset me.  There is literally nothing to do, so I do nothing.  Without deadlines and time pressure and too much to do, nothing at all gets done.  

I didn't think it was a good day to go out taking pictures, so I only brought the phone with me on our morning walk.  Still, not such a bad shot of the beach, there really is quite a lot of sand out there, other side of the rocks, but I like the aspect with rocks framing the softness, natural landscaping edging the rocks.  Hards and softs mixed.   

Amazingly, well, amazing to me, anyhow, this picture came out of the camera - whoops, I mean phone - with the horizon absolutely straight.  This is an issue I have always had with photography (well, at least since someone pointed it out to me).  I don't see straight (I have a pretty pronounced astigmatism), so all my photos come out with the horizon at an angle, and I need to photoshop them to level them off.  If I don't, I suspect all the water will run off the edge of the picture, so the waterscape will no longer have any water in it....which might look rather odd, I think.

If someone had not pointed it out to me, chances are I never would have noticed.  Now I notice constantly, incessantly.  When I look at photos being sold at art shows, the first thing I notice is whether the horizon is level.  I'm amazed at how often it isn't, and not because someone was trying to be artistic. 

This appears to be one of those things where ignorance is bliss.  And awareness is a PITA.  If anyone doesn't know what a PITA is, drop me a note.  I'll be glad to fill you in.

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