Wednesday, January 25, 2012

it's that siren again

...and Pablo is standing on the back of the couch barking his head off.  Seems like ever since the hurricane, anytime the big siren across the street goes off for any reason, he takes it personally and barks up a storm.  This, from a dog who my mother swears never barks. 

As for the siren, I have no idea why it does what it does.  Tonite it just did the standard siren sound, several times up and down the scale, then a few minutes later the fire department (or at least part of it) went by with their own sirens on.  So maybe this one was a call to the volunteers to get downtown and go on a call. 

Then on other occasions, it does something that vaguely resembles those chimes that grandfather clocks do, only very much electronic and fake sounding.  And very loud.

And sometimes it blows in different patterns, with no discernible reason.  I personally think it might be nice if someone official one day would explain what the various sounds indicate.  When I lived in Ohio, everyone knew what the various types of sounds meant, and most of them had to do with tornadoes.  Here, where I don't think there has ever been a tornado, they blow the siren for different reasons, but I don't know anyone who knows what they are trying to tell us.  So if they sounded a tsunami alarm, for example, I doubt anyone in town would have any idea they were about to momentarily be wiped off the face of the planet.

Maybe it's better not to know?  Considering it is highly unlikely that one could do anything about it anyhow....geography is not exactly our friend here.  We're on a peninsula of sand about a quarter mile wide at its widest point, with the ocean on one side and an estuary on the other.  So if that tsunami did come for us, we'd be gone before you could spell check it.  Gives new meaning to living on the edge.

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