Sunday, January 1, 2012

The longest train ride ever

I got on the train in 2011, got off it in 2012....

Ok, so I'm cheating a bit.  It was only the usual not quite 2 hours on NJT in the middle of the night, it just happened to be New Year's Eve when I left NYC, ahead of the drunken raucous Times Square crowd, and consequently early morning Jan 1, 2012 when I landed at the station where my car was faithfully awaiting my return.

The crowd in Penn Station looked like a regular late night crowd, with the addition of a few dozen (or more) personnel in army garb and external flak vests, toting large automatic rifles and such.  I got on the 11.07 train, neatly missing the revelers who were no doubt still occupying Times Square waiting for the ball (or is it still a rather large apple???) to drop. 

I take pride in the fact that this is the first NYE I have ever spent in NYC, even including my time in college in the city.  I am also proud of the fact that I have never done Times Square for The Event (it's such a tourist thing).  Attribute that to the fact that I don't do well in crowds, both noise-wise and claustrophobia-wise. 

Interesting that even the NYPD was decked out in full riot gear, sans helmets.  I suppose they had the helmets tucked away in a safe yet easily accessible place, in case.  In case of what, I don't care to speculate.

I spoke to one of the Army dudes, and he thought it was getting weird already.  I advised him that this was just a normal looking late night at Penn Station, just wait a while.  I have to admit, tho, that while I don't care for the feeling of being an occupied territory, it is kind of nice to have those people (guys and dolls) carrying heavy artillery keeping an eye out for who knows what.  It's a bit of overkill for the run of the mill drunks.  But if it deters some lowlife from trying to lift my wallet, fine by me.

So, as a result of my off-peak train ride, I was somewhere just south of Perth Amboy when the clock struck midnight.  Contrary to popular belief, I did not turn into a pumpkin on the stroke of 12.  Neither did my car, for that matter.

As far as I know, noone puked on the train, which is better than the usual late night ride.  And only one man of whom I was aware slept through his stop (plus two after it), with a conductor standing over him yelling at him to wake up and get off the train.  The crew was mostly the same guys who take the 12.05 down during the week.  Nice people, tough if they need to be.  Gotta say that about NJT, the people are good.  It's the service that usually stinks.

So.  Pablo is down the block with his third family, having an sleepover.  I get to sleep alone.  My feet will be colder than usual, but I won't have him shaking and scritching every time I turn over.  I count my blessings, small as they may be.

Good night, and happy new year!

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