Sunday, January 8, 2012

One week in...

...and it looks like 2012 is going to be more of the same.  Hot and cold mixed at very short intervals - it was down to 10F and up to 63F this week.  Tried to rain with little effect.  Mostly cloudy, but mostly sunny, not at the same time. night I was convinced the entire north side of my house was going to loose its siding, and I would be dragging it back from the middle of Ocean Ave in the morning.  It didn't get quite that bad, but I spent a good day fretting over it, and trying to find one of my many handy-persons who might be able to stop by and reattach what was trying to leave.  In the process I broke three nails and skinned two knuckles, my fretting being accompanied by numerous attempts to put in the fix myself, (all of which blew away) even to the extent of trying in vain to drive a nail thru the vinyl to make it stay.  It stays about as good as the dog does, which is to say, not very well.

It gets exciting around here, but rarely the type of exciting one might actually wish for. 

When my handy-person finally got here, there was much cursing and a bit of banging, and I think he actually glued the siding together so the wind couldn't get under the overlap and tear it asunder again.  Considering the wind was still going at about 50 mph when he was doing this, plus the temp was in the low teens, I can't say I blame him for cursing just a bit.

So it looks as if we might be in for a new siding job, come spring.  Well, after tax season, anyway, which I suppose puts us nearer to summer.  I wonder if it might be possible to have the house covered in Lego bricks?  It would certainly be colorful, which appeals to me, and the interlocking brick effect would seem to be sturdier than the traditional siding.  With super glue to hold it together, it might just last forever. 

The problem is deciding on a pattern.  Should it be random, or ought I have someone design a series of murals for it?  Would I need a special permit for the murals?  Does the town (or the neighbors) have rights of approval for an artistic treatment?

Sigh.  Too many questions, far too many possibilities.  If this goes the way of most issues which have too many potential answers, it too will not get done in my lifetime.  I am good at deciding between a and b.  Once you throw in c thru z as options, I can't make my mind up, and generally wind up doing nothing.  It's safer that way.  Less exciting, yes, and definitely safer.

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