Monday, January 16, 2012

Weather and social media

Are those two things actually related?  They seem to bear some similarities, I think.  Around here, the weather is something that is almost constantly on one's mind.  The last few days have been very cold and extremely windy.  Brings up the question of how to get the dog out of the house to do his business, and whether I actually can bear to take him out to do it.  I suspect if there is not a human on the other end of the leash, poor Pablo would blow away in the gale.  And he looks as though he is freezing to death, even in his warm coat.

On other people's minds, but not on mine, social media seems to be the object of a lot of attention.  I am getting barraged by requests to "friend" people I've never even heard of - and this is on a Facebook thing that I don't do anything with, I only made a login so I could look at something a real friend of mine put up there.  Then there are the people (some of whom I actually do know personally) who want to attach to me with Linkedin.  I frankly have no clue what one does with either of these things.  Aside from not having the time to find out, I have little to no interest in learning. 

Bottom line - if you want to be my friend, pick up the phone and call me once in a while.  I usually answer the phone, and unless I choose to unplug the whole apparatus, my calls follow me on my mobile, so I am almost always available.  Except when I'm in the opera house, then I shut the thing off entirely.  If for some reason I don't answer, leave a message.  That's what voice mail is for.  And yes, I do know how to listen to my voice mails.  I'm not that old fashioned.

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