Sunday, November 4, 2012

Finally back online!

Rough week here.  Which is probably the understatement of the century.  Tonite I'm tired, so I won't write much or put up any pictures, but tomorrow is another day, and after I finish what I absolutely need to get done, I can get in here and report what's been going on.  But after spending the time since Weds morning in Holmdel at my sister's house, which has a gas stove and water heater but no electricity, and freezing my tuchas off, and eating whatever was expiring in the freezer, we moved today over to my niece's house in Atlantic Highlands, where the power was restored yesterday and earlier today, depending on the exact location.

Warm is nice.  And we went out for dinner to a really fine Thai restaurant on First Ave.  So some things feel better, finally.

And I brought back some Thai duck for Pablo, who gobbled it like he hadn't eaten for a week, which is patently untrue, he's been eating like a horse.  I guess he's a stress eater, like me.

The Sea Bright town meeting was more pleasant today than the one last Weds, and it sounds as though actual progress is happening, and we might be sort of back to being able to go home in a few weeks rather than several months.  I hope.  Everything needs to get a new certificate of occupancy, tho, before anyone can live there again.  Gonna be a long haul.

They said the sea wall was breached in two places, and they are attempting repairs in time for the nor'easter we are expecting on Weds.  Just what we need, another storm.  Kick us while we're down, why don'cha.

Let me say right now, Pablo has been a real trouper through all this, even deigning to be carried in his tote bag across the bridge when we finally were able to make our escape from Sea Bright.  I wore my bright yellow scarf for that hike, yellow for sun and positive thoughts and coming back against all sorts of odds.

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