Thursday, August 1, 2013

tunnels and stuff

Wrote this the other nite, it needed edits I wasn't able to do on the tablet, so here it is now:

I was almost asleep when some inconsiderate asshole parked outside and offloaded a passel of screeching children.  So now I am wide awake, and the brain is running amok.

Talking about tunnels earlier, I remember when I was a little kid and my older sister was in elementary school, she did a project about the Lincoln Tunnel, which involved building a model of it.  She "borrowed" a couple of trucks from me, which I had gotten on a trip to AC, at the Mr. Peanut store.   Supposedly I would get them back when the project came home.  Well, it never did come home, and I never got my trucks back.  Last I saw them was several years later, when I had to go into a storage room at school, and saw the tunnel project, still sitting there with my trucks in it.  The nun in charge of my class wouldn't let me take the project, or my trucks, home.   For all I know,  it's probably still there, 50-some years later.  And I'm psychically scarred for life by the experience.

 Of course, I did learn from the project that the tunnel doesn't lie on the riverbed, in the water.  I used to worry that the tunnel might spring a leak, and get full of water.  Not gonna happen.   I suppose the train tunnel is similarly buried under the riverbed.  So while I'm stuck in a train sitting still in the tunnel, the potential for drowning is slim.  However, based on where we were stopped this morning, about two levels below street grade, we were actually not under the river, but under a building.   That could be rather messy, if the building came down on the tracks for some reason.  Heavy stuff.

 It gets weird when I ought to be sleeping and get interrupted like this.  All sorts of odd stuff comes up.

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