Saturday, March 8, 2014

more dunes are happening

Finally, there is equipment out on the beach, and the dunes are being continued north of here, where they stopped last fall because someone thought she saw birds nesting in the sea wall - in September.  Don't know what planet this person was from, but birds don't nest in NJ in September....

Anyhow, there is a start at building a dune row to continue north from the previous end, looks like they're going to the end of town.  And I hear the cuts to get thru the dunes to the water are only being made where there are stairs used by the public, so people who have their own stairs will have to walk a ways to get to the cuts.  So.

They left one of the machines by my entrance, I was considering borrowing it to play in the sand, but no keys....

Did I mention it was gorgeous out today?  57 degrees F, sun and a light breeze.  I have windows open in the house....spring is coming.  I heard mourning doves this morning, and the piping plovers are back.  Also saw a cardinal at the side of the road when I was driving to the bank this morning.  And of course the red winged blackbirds are here.  And a whole flock of swans over in Little Silver.

Tonite is "spring ahead" nite, too....I hate losing an hour at this time of year, but it is progress towards spring, too.   Maybe winter is over.  But I'm not putting my hat and gloves away quite yet.

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