Seems to me that monsoon season used to be in October and November here. Not March into April. Hmmm. I just hope these count as April Showers, and will bring May Flowers. Because we all know what Mayflowers bring, right?
Actually, on one of the abbreviated walks we managed this morning, I noticed that there are finally buds on my Montauk daisies. To say I'm thrilled is a gross understatement. Buds are the only sure sign that spring and summer might actually be coming to our little micro-climate.
The first walk, we went around the block. Using the term loosely, as always. It was nice, not raining at the moment, and tho the river looked awfully high, it wasn't over the top of the bulkhead or anything so annoying. Bruce was in the yard, and barked his ass off at us, while trying in vain to knock down the fence, since he can't possibly drive his bulk over it. He's an Italian Mastiff who is somewhat less than socialized. He was nice, and cute and cuddly, when he was a puppy. Now that's he's full grown (at probably 200 lbs), he's a nasty tempered loud mouthed brute. Must be a republican.
Second walk, we went across the street. Still not raining at that time, and it seemed to be nice out till you got out in the wind. More of that wind which is hitting you in the face no matter which direction you are trying to go. Enough so that Pablo was walking crouched down, he reminded me of my first cat, when we tried to walk him on a leash. Slink, slink, slink, and lean against anything solid while you do it. Needless to say, we didn't get very far, and turned around to head back home after a very short while.
Early afternoon, Grandma took Pablo up the hill to the park, and they reportedly had a nice time, tho there weren't many dogs out.
Sometime later it started raining. Around 5.00, we had thunderstorms. Which are supposed to happen in the spring, so that was ok. Pablo hid under the blankets for the duration. It poured like there's no tomorrow.
I'm glad of two things. One, I wasn't caught out in the downpour. And two, thanks to Sandy, my roof no longer leaks. So a rain storm of any strength is no longer quite the threat and disaster it once was. Counting my blessings.
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