Sunday, July 26, 2015

Sunday morning on the beach with Pablo

Pretty morning.  May get hot later, but it started out nice.  Cool breeze from the south, usually keeps the temperature reasonable.

Couple of pictures....

Ok, so three is more than a couple.  Let's not get so technical.  The clouds were pretty awesome.  That fisherman has been here since 5 am or so.  This was around 7.30.  I don't think he is here to actually catch anything, just to be alone and quiet and doing something that lets him think.  Or maybe that's just me putting ideas on him.

Then there's Pablo.  We ran into his buddies Coco and Maddy again, they did their play thing, then took off in different directions.  Coco gets to a spot where he just sits down and stays there, unless he is bribed with cheese to follow his human.  Maddy was hyper this morning, racing in circles a lot.  She's a cool doggie.  Pablo was most interested in peeing on everything.   As usual.  Sometimes I wonder what he's thinking, then I remember it's probably just that he's trying to remember if he peed on that spot already, or if he needs to do so now.

Maybe what he was looking at was this:

Someone has started a new beachhenge structure.  Pablo hasn't gotten over to pee on it's beyond the usual scope of our beach wanderings.  I like this one, it has a native American flavor to it, as well as the pyramid concept.  We'll see if it has a chance to develop further.  It's kind of exposed, so there's a chance a high tide might wipe it out, or the people who destroy nice things might knock it down.  I've noticed the ones that are built closer to the dunes tend to be left alone longer.  No dunes at this area, so we'll have to wait and see what happens.

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