Friday, July 31, 2015

The light is difficult today

Even after the thunderstorm, it's promising to be very hot.  The light is just too much, making colors look thin and watered down.  Not a good photo day, except for this:

Hard to get him to stay still for a moment, enough for the camera to focus (if I were focusing manually it would be even more impossible), but I caught him in a contemplative moment when we were climbing on the sea wall and I stopped for a sit down to get a stone out of my sneaker.


  1. Yes. Light. Fascinating to contemplate (though few do). Light at dawn and dusk is to die for.

  2. I think it's the bent light that makes the best images. Direct light is not good, maybe it shows the flaws too much? It definitely washes out the color. I like color, and the very subtle variations that are there in good light. Well, they are there all the time, you just can't see them if the light is too bright.
