Tuesday, May 19, 2020

The roses are coming

The weather is still being crazy, last week we had a thunderhail storm on Monday, and 85 degrees on Tuesday, and then up and down the rest of the week, with high winds.  The weekend was nice, on the cool side, which is how I like it.

Today is cool also, but the wind is horrible, cuts through you like a knife that's been kept in the freezer, while you're sweating in your windbreaker because it's in the upper 60s temp-wise. 

All the fluctuations give me a headache, among other issues.  Like my eyes and nose running like faucets any time I step outdoors.

BUT...even tho it's still May, the roses are coming!

Mine are just starting to bud, but I found a bush on our walk the other afternoon that is in full bloom.

Pretty in pink, but like Mimi's embroidered flowers, there is no scent. 

I really prefer the scented ones over the hybrids.  I remember having a Mr Lincoln, which was growing tall next to a window on our porch.  So when I opened the window, the scent would waft inside.  One of the very few things I miss about the big house. 

And here, in the neighborhood, people are even more acting as if there is no Corona virus, and they are spending their money on tearing out old trees and bushes, with no thought to replacing them.  It makes me very sad to see this wanton destruction going on around me.

But yesterday in the morning we saw the fox again.  He or she was just sitting in the street, a very quiet street with very little traffic, and watching us.  When Bandit finally showed signs of wanting to go greet the fox, it ran off, stopping a few times to make sure the running off was really necessary.  It wasn't, but the fox wasn't listening to me.

So, mixed bag all around.  This week I do feel better than I did last week, so there's a good thing.  But still not great, I wish someone could shut off the wind, or at least turn it down from the 30-40 mph we're having, to something gentle.  But that's unlikely, as there is a pair of storms approaching from different directions, and they are probably going to merge right here, and make a mess, if not a disaster. 

C'est la vie? 

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