The wind has picked up within the last half hour, and now it's really raining kind of hard. Sort of horizontal, though, so I expect the rain might go right into the river, instead of landing on us here (that is an attempt at a joke). Power and internet obviously still on, sump pump is working. I hear the other side of the bridge is bad, trees down and road flooding, so it looks like we're going to stay put.
Making more tea. Need lots of tea, and doggie treats. Pablo is still relatively calm, but very clingy. Can't say I blame him.
Just watched Il Tabarro from San Francisco Opera. Pat Racette, Brandon Jovanovich, and Paolo Gavanelli. Wow! Nice distraction, hope the power and internet stay on so I can watch some more opera. It's kinda cozy with the dog curled up in my lap. Strength in numbers, I guess.
Sounds like an awesome cast...a good way to make the rain, rain go away.