Monday, June 1, 2020

A mystical being

Ok, so maybe not quite so mystical, but...

First walk this morning.  We encountered a guy who we run into once in a while, walking his dog, who we also run into once in a while.  He's turning around, and taking pictures of something with his phone.  It's a deer.  Seems it's been following him for a while.  A deer following a dog.

Deer sees a second dog, mine, and decides to take a short cut thru someone's yard.  When we get to the next corner, we see the deer crossing the street, diving into another yard.  Then it comes out right in front of us.  And stands there, looking at us. 

Bandit is barking, intermittently.  More of a 'what are you' bark, rather than a threatening bark.  The bark he uses on people who he'd like to approach.  Deer just stands there, looking at us.  We're in the middle of the street, deer is on the sidewalk.  So maybe 30 feet apart, it's a narrow, residential street.

 Apologies for the photo quality, or lack thereof.  I was using my phone, which has days like this, for no apparent reason.  I need to go back to carrying a real camera, now that we're in critter season.

I took a couple more pictures of her, I think it's a her, as we tried to keep walking, and she just kind of stood there. 

Then, as we walked away, she started following us.  She followed us for a couple more blocks, then we turned a corner, and when I looked back, she wasn't there anymore.  She might have been just standing in the street, or who knows. 

I'm wondering if this is the Mom deer who belongs to the fawn we saw yesterday.  I thought at first the fawn was a fox, it was about the size of a fox, a bit smaller than my dog.  But no tail, and those spindly legs...definitely a baby deer.  Didn't get close enough to get a picture.  That's where I again need a real camera.  I do get tired of carrying a lot of stuff, tho, and warmer weather clothes don't have enough pockets, and all my jeans are so loose they might fall off if I load too much stuff in the pockets.

Or maybe it's a young buck, whose antlers haven't sprouted yet.  Because if it's Mom deer, where's the fawn?  Of course, we do have a whole herd of them around here, so it's possible the baby was with the sitter, or this Mom isn't a Mom at the moment, or any number of other possibilities. 

I fear for my Asiatic lilies, tho.  The ones whose buds are so tasty.  Something has already eaten or otherwise killed off the marigolds I planted to protect the lilies.  Gotta go get more marigolds, maybe tomorrow.

The upshot of the deer thing, tho, is that Bandit was so excited that he almost forgot to poop.  It took him till almost the end of our 2 mile walk to remember that little detail.  That's why it's mystical. 

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